Learning ODP, ODS, GWP, TEWI What is GWP (global warming potential): refers to the potential ability of a certain greenhouse gas, relative to carbon dioxide, to cause global warming in 100 years. The GWP of CFC refrigerants is generally high, while the HCFC and HFC refrigerants are high and low.
What is ODP, ODS, GWP, TEWI?
GWP (global warming potential): refers to the potential of a greenhouse gas, relative to carbon dioxide, to cause global warming within 100 years. The GWP of CFC refrigerants is generally high, while the HCFC and HFC refrigerants are high and low. The Tokyo Agreement further restricted the refrigerant according to GWP and identified six greenhouse gases. HFC is also included in the gases specified in the Kyoto Protocol.
ODS substances produce a greenhouse effect in the atmosphere, which increases the temperature of the surface and near-surface atmosphere, causing environmental problems of global warming. In order to express and compare the ability of various ODS gases to warm climate, the Global Warming Potential (GWP) is cited. The comparison was based on CO2.
Note: The GWP value is based on the International Climate Change Committee 1992 data C02=1, with a time interval of 100 years.
ODP (ozone depletion potential): The potential for destroying the ozone layer by various substances is represented by ODP in the world, and the ODP of R11 is 1.000. CFC refrigerants (such as R12) have high ODP, HCFC refrigerants (such as R22) have relatively small ODP, HFC (such as R134a), and FC refrigerants have ODP of zero. The Montreal Protocol prohibits the use of ODPs that are too large and gives a timetable for disabling. R12, which is well known, is completely disabled because ODP is too high; R22 has an ODP of 0.034 and is a transitional refrigerant.
TEWI (total equivalent warming impacts): The warming affects the total equivalent, considering not only the GWP of the gas itself, but also the influence of other gases (such as carbon dioxide) in the production, recovery, destruction, and use of the gas. That is, the direct effect of refrigerant emissions and the indirect effects caused by energy use. The direct effect depends on the GWP value of the refrigerant, the amount of gas released, and the length of the time frame considered; the indirect effect depends on the efficiency of the air conditioning refrigeration system and where the energy comes from.
What needs to be done now is to unify the two. The negative impact of any reduced efficiency refrigerant alternative on global warming will exceed positive impacts (such as life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or TEWI). When the leakage is very low, the importance of refrigerant ODP and GWP will decrease. The worst environmental impact of low ODP and GWP refrigerants is the increased energy consumption caused by refrigerant leakage, which increases CO2 and other GHG emissions. Even zero GWP refrigerants have an impact on the environment due to reduced efficiency.
Editor: Mr. Ding (Zhejiang Institute of Analysis and Testing, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
If you need to detect ODP analysis services: Mr. Ding; QQ

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