Bathroom mosaic matching skills

Often used in bathroom renovation mosaic, mosaic color and style a lot, how to match more perfect, we must follow some rules:

The bathroom is where people release stress and enjoy a relaxing and peaceful space, so the mosaic color in the bathroom should not be too intense and jump, otherwise people will feel depressed or bring emotional fluctuations, so experts recommend that the mosaic tiles laid in the bathroom should be selected Quiet and peaceful color, in addition to the color does not have a large piece of strong contrast color, there must be primary and secondary points.

If the area of ​​the bathroom is too small, whether it is transparent or not, it also determines the choice of a mosaic tile. Generally, a bathroom with a large area is suitable for selecting a magnificent mosaic tile pattern. Such as waterfall-style dark and light striped mosaic is very suitable for spacious bathroom. The smaller bathroom space is as light as possible, which will prevent the bathroom from being overcrowded. At the same time, the choice of small patterns can also add some aura to the small bathroom, to make up for the weakness of the relatively small lack of lighting and ventilation of small bathrooms.

Apart from mosaic color choices and style collages, the harmony of mosaics and floors, bathroom accessories and accessories cannot be ignored. In general, the dark mosaic bathroom space should be equipped with easy, bright color bath products. For example, with white bathroom products, the color of jewelry can be relatively jump, which can increase the indoor lively, agile atmosphere.

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