Smooth grease commonly used in agricultural machinery

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Smooth grease commonly used in agricultural machinery

Source: China Bearing Network Time: 2018-06-23

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The smooth fat farmers used in agricultural machinery call it "butter". Its primary effect is to protect, smooth and seal the agricultural machinery bearings. The smooth grease commonly used in agricultural machinery is divided into the following three categories according to different functions. .
. 8. 8. Calcium-based smooth fat is a dense ointment made of motor oil, animal and vegetable oil and lime; usually yellow or dark brown; uniform and soft layout; easy to bring bubbles. It has outstanding water resistance; It will not be emulsified; it is suitable for smoothing with moisture or moisture. It uses water as a stabilizer; it has poor heat resistance; when the temperature exceeds the specified value, it will lose water; the smooth grease will be damaged; so it does not High temperature resistance; usually does not exceed 70 ° C. Calcium-based smooth fat is divided into five trademarks according to the size of its penetration; its code is ZGD1, ZGD2, ZGD3, ZGD4 and ZGD5. The larger the number, the more the penetration. No. 1 is suitable for working conditions with lower temperature, No. 2 is suitable for ball bearings with light load and temperature does not exceed 55 °C, No. 3 is suitable for medium-duty, medium-speed and mechanical conflicts below 60 °C, No. 4 No. 5 is applicable to the smoothness of heavy-duty low-speed machinery with temperatures below 70 °C. For example, smooth, agricultural water pump bearings for cooling water pump bearings of medium and small power diesel engines are written with No. 4 calcium-based smooth grease. Most suitable. When adding this smooth grease; the correct way to write is to use a grease gun, scraper or finger to wipe into the bearing cavity.
Disease 20. Sodium sulphate smooth fat is a mixture of motor oil and Panyu; the first characteristic is: the color is from yellow to dark brown, or even black; the layout is loose, and it is fibrous ointment, the drawing is very long, and the graininess is large. It has good heat-resistance function and can maintain smoothness after melting, but it has strong hydrophilicity and is dissolved after being dissolved in water. Therefore, it cannot be used on mechanical bearings that are touched with water or installed in a humid environment. The penetration degree is divided into three trademarks: ZND2, ZND3, and ZND4. No. 2 and No. 3 are suitable for conflicts with a temperature not higher than 115 °C, and No. 4 is suitable for conflicts with a temperature not higher than 135 ° C. Sodium-based smooth grease is usually For the transformation of faster; higher temperature medium-sized motors, generators and bearings for cars, tractors, and magnets.
Field 8. quite a calcium-based smooth fat is a mixed soap-based smooth fat; this smooth fat has a function between the calcium-based and sodium-based smooth fats. It is yellowish white, slightly granular, and has a soft layout. Smooth, non-sticky ointment. Divided into two trademarks ZGND 1 and ZGND2. Its water resistance is stronger than sodium-based smooth grease; high temperature resistance is stronger than calcium-based smooth grease; usually used for machinery whose working temperature does not exceed 100 °C Smooth part; can not be used on the smooth part of low temperature text and water touch. Bearing is filled with smooth grease; can only add 1/2 or 1/3 capacity to the bearing cavity; can not load too much fat. Otherwise it will Make the bearing hot; start difficult

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