Nitrogen valve without additional energy, the use of the media itself is the media as the power source. Automatically control the valve medium flow, so that the pressure after the valve to maintain a constant pressure stabilizer. Valve itself through the spool, diaphragm, spring and other mechanical components to stabilize the pressure at the exit P2. Work process: When the pressure of the inlet P1 increases, the pressure of the outlet P2 will increase accordingly. The increase of the pressure P2 smoothes through the diaphragm to the large air chamber below, The spring will be compressed, the valve spool connected with the spring will move in the direction of reducing the opening of the valve, thus reducing the flow rate and the outlet pressure P2 so as to achieve the purpose of stabilizing the outlet port P2 and vice versa. Nitrogen seal valve is a precise milli-scale regulator, compared with the outlet pressure of the pressure regulating valve its diaphragm will be much larger, take Germany Mankenberg pressure reducing valve DM762, for example, 762 diaphragm diameter range from 220mm To 500mm, the corresponding range of outlet pressure regulation from 0.015-0.030bar to 0.1-0.52bar accurate to 0.002-0.003bar to 0.012-0.07bar, it can be seen that the larger the outlet pressure, the smaller the pressure value. General nitrogen valve has a control tube and leak tube. The control tube increases the sensitivity of the valve, while the leak tube prevents the media from leaking into the spring space after the diaphragm ruptures. The leak tube can return the media to the proper storage space instead of venting it to the air. In addition, when the large diameter, flow rate can be used when the pilot-a combination of nitrogen seal valve, generally used in large tanks. The pilot-operated nitrogen seal valve is a combination of relief valve, millibar pressure reducing valve, filter and globe valve. Here is an example of the RP840 piloted nitrogen seal valve manufactured by Mankenberg in Germany. The RP840 consists of a pressure relief valve DV5.1, a pressure relief valve DM762, two restrictors and a filter cleaner. DV5.1 can guarantee a tank back pressure, when the tank to reduce the pressure of nitrogen decreased, DM762 ​​tank to add nitrogen; when the tank rises, the pressure of nitrogen is compressed, DV5.1 will be set The pressure relief point discharges nitrogen gas to the outside, but a back pressure in the tank is guaranteed. When the tank pressure reaches the set point, the DV5.1 will shut off.