Pesticides are the necessary means of production for controlling crops and pests during the growing season of crops. However, with the increase in the amount of pesticides and the improper use of pesticides in crops, crop damage has been caused, which is inconsistent with the current pursuit of environmental protection and health. So how do you make use of plant-made pesticides?
1. Fresh onions. Take the onion skin, onion leaves 0.5kg into pieces, squeeze out the original juice for storage. Spray 1-2 times of water during use to control red spiders and the like.
2. Garlic stems and leaves. Cut the stems of the garlic stems into small pieces of 6 to 7 cm and sprinkle them in the early rice fields to let them rot. The allicin contained in the stem can control aphids, soft insects, and inhibit the spread of powdery mildew.
3. Ginger. Fresh ginger is smashed out of the juice and stored for later use. It is sometimes sprayed with water 20-30 times to inhibit the germination of rot, soot and other pathogen spores.
4. Castor leaves. The dried ramie leaves are ground into fine powder, mixed with a certain proportion of soil and mixed with fertilizer to spread to the ground, which can control underground pests such as cockroaches, crickets and tigers. Soaked in 1 kg of ramie leaf powder and water 16-20 kg, infused with a kettle, can cure onion, leeks, garlic, radish, Chinese cabbage, cabbage caterpillar, carnivorous mites and so on. The ramie leaf powder can also be made into a leachate and sprinkled into toilets, pig pens, pits, etc., and has a significant effect on killing mosquito larvae and maggots.
5. Honeysuckle. The honeysuckle stems and leaves 500g are chopped and added with water 2kg, boiled, filtered and sprayed, and the tigers and golden worms can be controlled.
6. Artemisia fresh grass. Chopped, add 10 times of water, cook for half an hour, spray after cooling, can control cotton aphid, red spider, cabbage caterpillar.
7. Mandala. Take fresh grass 500g and chop it, add 5kg of water for half an hour, filter and spray. It can control aphids, red spiders, armyworms, corn borers, etc. It also has a certain inhibitory effect on rust spores.
8. Weeping willow leaves. Smash it, add water 3 times soak for 1 day or boil for half an hour, filter and spray, can control cabbage caterpillars, mites, mites and so on. 5 times water infusion of willow leaves can inhibit wheat rust.
9. Chili. After the pepper seeds are smashed and 10 times of water is filtered and sprayed, it is possible to control aphids, mites and the like.
10. Mulberry leaves. Add 5 times of water to make a stock solution, add 2 kg of water per 0.5 kg of stock solution, or spray 10 times of water immersion solution of mulberry leaves to control cotton aphid and red spider. The 15 times water immersion solution of mulberry leaves can inhibit the germination of wheat rust pathogens.
The use of some specific plant-made pesticides is beneficial to environmental protection and cost saving. However, due to low efficacy, large dosage, frequent spraying, and short duration, it is generally less. Therefore, farmers' friends are paying special attention to the use of plant-made pesticides.
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