Calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer application method

Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied in acidic and neutral soils, and the yield-increasing effect is similar to that of super-calcium phosphate; in calcareous soil application, the seasonal yield increase is equivalent to about 85% of superphosphate, but the aftereffect is more than superphosphate. lasting. There are several ways to apply calcium, magnesium and phosphate fertilizers to rice fields:
Breeding and growing oysters In the whole field, the calcium, magnesium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied as fertilizers to the fields, and the application of 30 kg to 35 kg per mu can promote the development of the roots of the seedlings, and early tillering can produce strong scorpions.
Dip the roots In the rice transplanting, the calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer is placed in the pot, mixed with some yellow mud to form a paste, the bundled seedling roots are mixed with the fertilizer, and then transplanted. Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus fertilizers are safer to rub the roots, and will not burn the seedlings. The dosage per acre is about 7.5 kg, and the fertilizer is less, and the effect is large.
As a noodle fertilizer Before the last dumping before the transplanting, 25 kg of calcium, magnesium and phosphate fertilizer was applied to the soil, and the fertilizer and the surface soil were evenly mixed after the field, and then transplanted. The noodle fertilizer is equivalent to the effect of the base fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer used is more, but it is more labor-saving, and the aftereffect is longer. The third and fourth mites still have an effect of increasing yield.
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