Anti-vine disease during the rainy season

The rainy season should be fully observed in the vineyard. When the disease begins, it is symptomatic. With 70% Kebo 600 times solution, 80% ethyl phosphate aluminum 300 times solution or 1:0.7:180 times Bordeaux mixture, it can control downy mildew, mainly Bordeaux mixture, adapt to other drugs, this method is effective in preventing diseases. it is good. Spray 1 time:0.5:240 times solution before flowering, spray 1:0.7:220 times solution after flowering, spray 1:0.7:200 times solution in grape expansion period, spray 1 time after grape harvesting 1 : 1:180 times solution, spray 1 to 2 times in the autumn 1:1: 160 times solution. If white rot and anthrax occur in the middle, then the symptom is sprayed.
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