Old room refurbished wall sticker wallpaper note four

Refurbishment of old houses, is not a lot of people will think that as long as the wallpaper stickers just fine, than the brush coating is much easier to come. In actual fact, the wallpaper is not lower than the brush paint. It is very likely that you will need to spend a lot of effort to eradicate the original base and then paste the wallpaper. Isn't this time-consuming and laborious? Xiao Bian will teach you about the wall stickers of the old house:

Ivy paint

Old house paint needs to be tested first

For the wallpaper, if the material of the shop is different, the processing method it takes is different. If it is a new house wall wallpaper, the substrate is the simplest. The procedure is the same as the basic wall construction, except that it is not painted, that is, the interface layer is normally brushed in the plastering layer, and then the scraping can be scraped 2-3 times. Then you can carry out Other bricklayers, oil workers and other decoration, wait until the completion of the wallpaper on the wall.

If the original wall is painted with paint, and you want to refurbish the wall, is it right on top of the wallpaper on the line? For this problem, experts say that if it is the old house wall, you need to make some judgments. If the original paint is tight and there is no shedding, you can brush the base film directly on the top (wallpaper necessary materials, can strengthen the wall surface, increase the wallpaper adhesion, protect the wall when you remove), and directly paving the wallpaper. However, if the original coating is not stable, the original substrate needs to be removed.

Empty old wallpaper should be eradicated

If the original wall is paved with wallpapers, what should be done? Can the new wallpaper be laid directly on the original wallpaper? This has to be treated separately. In general, because the original substrate is not necessarily dense, it may cause the wallpaper to be affixed and fall off, etc.. Placing the wallpaper directly on the original wallpaper will have a greater risk. All the original wallpapers need to be erased and the above The method of detecting the paint substrate was examined on the substrate to see if it was necessary to further eradicate the putty layer, and the subsequent work was consistent with that in the “Old House Paint Needs First Test”.

Of course there are exceptions, if the original paving is a wallpaper of special purity, such as high-purity wood pulp wallpaper, soak the wet towel on the wallpaper, more than 10 minutes later, to see if there is empty drum phenomenon. If there is still no emptying, you can directly paste any wallpaper on it. If there is empty drum, you need to remove all the wallpaper and carry out the next step of substrate inspection and processing.

Used house decoration wallpaper paving three trees paint wallpaper paint paint house new house

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