At present, China has established a national standard for 197 pesticide residue residues (MRLs) of 32 pesticides in 32 kinds of agricultural and sideline products. The maximum standards for pesticide residues on fruit trees are as follows (Note: mg/kg=mg /kilogram):
1, chlorothalonil ≤ 1mg / kg;
2, fenthion ≤ 0.05mg / kg;
3, phenbutyltin ≤ 5mg / kg;
4, glyphosate ≤ 0.1mg / kg;
5, diflubenzuron ≤ 1mg / kg;
6, mancozeb ≤ 3mg / kg (pear fruit);
7, mancozeb ≤ 5mg / kg (small grain of fruit);
8, DDT ≤ 0.1mg / kg;
9, trichlorfon ≤ 0.1mg / kg;
10, chlorpyrifos ≤ 1mg / kg (pear fruit);
11. Parathion should not be detected;
12, carbendazim ≤ 0.5mg / kg;
13, diazinon ≤ 0.5mg / kg;
14. Fenvalerate ≤0.5mg/kg;
15, phorate is not detectable
16, carbaryl ≤ 2.5mg / kg;
17, metalaxyl ≤ 1mg / kg (small grain fruit)
18, anti-èšœå¨ â‰¤2.5mg/kg;
19. Captan ≤15mg/kg;
20, dimethoate ≤ 1mg / kg;
21, six six six ≤ 0.2mg/kg;
22, cyhalothrin ≤ 0.2mg / kg (pear fruit);
23, permethrin ≤ 2mg / kg;
24. Malathion is not detectable;
25, fenvalerate ≤ 0.2mg / kg;
26, acetylene ≤ ≤ 5mg / kg (pear fruit);
27. Thiacinone ≤0.5mg/kg (pear fruit);
28, triazolone ≤ 0.2mg / kg
29, triazolium ≤ 2mg / kg (pear fruit);
30, chlorpyrifos ≤ 0.5mg / kg;
31, double hyperthyroidism ≤ 0.5mg / kg (pear fruit);
32, tetramethylazine ≤ 1mg;
33, phoxim ≤ 0.05mg / kg;
34, bromo oxime ester ≤ 5mg / kg (pruned fruit);
35, deltamethrin ≤ 0.1mg / kg (skin edible);
36, imipenem ≤ 0.5mg / kg;
37, acephate phosphorus ≤ 0.5mg / kg;
38, iprodione ≤ 10mg / kg (pear fruit);
39. Dichlorvos ≤ 0.2mg/kg.
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