Power semiconductors are very important in the electronics industry for power transfer and conversion. The emerging markets for power semiconductors are the alternative energy sector and the automotive industry. Significant trends in the development of power semiconductors are improvements in cooling technology, higher current densities, and integrated driver electronics.
The need to improve efficiency is reflected in the two aspects of the generation and use of electrical energy. In terms of power generation, the market and power levels of wind power systems are constantly increasing, and the demand for higher offshore voltage systems is also growing. Solar power is being developed in some markets, as in Germany and Spain. Hybrid vehicles are just one example of a complex system that must use electrical energy as much as possible. Developments such as electrical "turbocharging" will ensure that the technology continues to evolve.
Imagine combining power electronics with the vast majority of electrical applications to provide better utilization. It is estimated that less than 8% of the total number of motors controlled by power electronics in the world. The use of power electronics to control motors can increase efficiency by 30%, so there is likely to be significant growth in this market segment.
To achieve maximum savings in efficiency, we need to combine the best silicon, the best cooling technology and the best control. This will improve the soft-switching technology, the resonant converter and the higher control frequency, making the magnetic components in the silicon smaller and simplifying filtering and reducing weight, size and cost.
Power quality needs to be improved, and EMC requirements are more stringent than ever. Standards and approvals combined with complex requirements, all of which must be met, and the pressure on development speed is increasing. The best way to meet this need is to develop a product that can form a base platform that can be easily scaled to cope with the ever-increasing demand for power levels.
In order for the control to work properly, good feedback is needed. The true temperature of the silicon must be known - this makes it necessary to integrate temperature sensors on the silicon and provide galvanic feedback. Further optimization of the product in the application can be achieved through thermal modeling. This allows "secondary" thermal problems (thermal crosstalk, isotherm distortion, and boundary effects) and their combinations to be analyzed to yield successful designs and reliable power modules.
Packaging is another area that will become more important. Work has been made to integrate more components (not just silicon) onto the power module ceramic substrate, allowing these components to also achieve positive cooling. This will enable higher levels of integration, resulting in significant efficiency and reduced size.
Improved semiconductor technology has resulted in better component construction and faster switching speeds. With the advent of third-generation IGBT chips, current density can be increased by 50%. Figure 1 shows the increase in current density of 1 200V IGBT chips over the past few decades. One of the causes of the improvement in current density is the substantial reduction in chip thickness. Such a development process, that is, the chip thickness continues to shrink, chip manufacturers continue to pursue in the subsequent chips. Ultra-thin wafer technology based on existing mounting and assembly technology has reached its limits. This can be seen from the fact that the maximum allowable short-circuit time of the latest 600V trench IGBT (chip thickness 70mm) has to be reduced from 10ms to 6ms. Huge short-circuit power surges can no longer be stored by thin silicon wafers, and the thermal impedance of the design prevents heat from being quickly dissipated.
Figure 1 Growth of current density of 1 200V IGBT chip over the past few decades
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