Control measures for garlic leaf blight

Garlic leaf blight symptoms and pathogenic factors: Linyi Fertilizer Network
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Mainly harmful leaves or pedicels. The leaf infection usually starts from the tip of the leaf or other parts of the leaf. The initial white flower dots expand into an irregular shape or an elliptical gray-white or gray-brown lesion, which produces black mold on the surface. In severe cases, the diseased leaves die. The peduncle is easily broken from the diseased part, and finally many small black spots are scattered in the diseased part. Do not convulse when it is serious. Mainly in the mycelium or ascospores with the diseased remains in the soil overwintering, the next year is emitted from the cystic spores causing the initial infection, and the diseased part produces conidia for reinfection. This strain is a weak parasitic bacterium, often accompanied by a mixture of downy mildew or purple spot. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Control measures: Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
(1) Remove the damaged leaves and peduncle in time. And spray a new high-fat film to prevent the spread of disease-fighting bacteria. (2) Strengthen field management, rational close planting, timely drainage after rain, and roots with roots + tree guards to induce roots, to promote virus accumulation, to protect the tree generals from disinfection, to inhibit virus-transformed infection and leaves and fruits in fruit trees. Maintain the health of the plant transport system. Improve host disease resistance. (3) At the beginning of the onset, spray a new high-fat film + 75% chlorothalonil WP 600 times liquid every 7 to 10 days, continuous control 3-4 times. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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