First, there are many drying methods for hay to prepare high quality hay. The easiest way is to naturally dry the grass, leave the harvested pasture in the place or transport it to a dry place, or put it on the shelf to dry. The transition to a scaled, mechanized drying method is allowed when conditions permit. Regardless of the modulation method used, the artificial or mechanical nutrient loss should be minimized. For example, in a series of manual and mechanical operations such as forage harvesting, handling, tumbling, stacking, etc., it is inevitable that the fine branches and leaves will break and fall off, and the loss can reach 20%~30% in severe cases. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate harvesting time for pasture, minimize the turning and handling, and reduce the loss.
Second, the silage preparation chooses the soil is hard, the terrain is high, and the groundwater level is low, the silage is built. Conditional bricks and cement can be used to build permanent rafts. Commonly used silage materials include grass, corn, ryegrass, bromegrass, medlar, clover, and milk vetch in legumes, sweet potato, pumpkin, leeks, and aquatic plants of other roots and leaves. Raw materials should be harvested at the right time. The harvesting period of corn is generally from the maturity stage to the waxy stage; the grassy forage is from the booting stage to the heading stage; the leguminous grass is from the bud stage to the early flowering stage; the aquatic feed is taken for 1 to 2 days, and the raw materials should be properly filled. After harvesting, the water is suitable and should be transported to the silo immediately. Before the decoration, the bottom is covered with 10~15 cm thick straw to absorb the juice.窖 Four walls of plastic film, can be leak-proof and breathable, when installed, should be practical, always installed to the height of 60 cm or so, you can cap. When capping, first lay a layer of short straw, then add a layer of plastic film, and then cover the soil. Drain the ditch from the metre of the kiln to prevent rainwater from flowing in. When there is a crack in the dome, it is necessary to cover the soil in time to prevent leakage and leakage.
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