Application of 10 common pesticides

1, stone sulfur mixture - a variety of pests and diseases

The main component of the stone sulphur mixture is calcium polysulfide. It has the ability to penetrate and erode the pathogen and the waxy layer of the epidermis. After spraying, it forms a film on the surface of the plant to protect the plants from pathogens. It is suitable before the onset of the plant or Spray at the beginning of the disease.

The stone sulphur mixture has a wide spectrum of control, which can not only prevent powdery mildew, scab, anthracnose, rot disease, gum disease, rust, black spot disease of various fruit trees, but also for fruit tree red spider, cockroach, scale insect, etc. Pest control is also effective. In production, after the fruit trees are generally pruned in winter, they will be disinfected by spraying the whole stone in the garden.

2, avermectin - anthraquinone

Abamectin is a highly effective, broad-spectrum antibiotic insecticide and acaricide. It has stomach poisoning and contact killing effects on insects and acarids. It has no systemic action, but it has strong permeability on the leaves and can kill. Pest under the epidermis of dead leaves, and the residual effect period is long. After contact with the larvae and insect larvae, the symptoms of paralysis appear, inactivity and no feeding, and death after 2 to 4 days, less residue on the surface of the plant, and less damage to beneficial insects.

It can be used to control leaf mites, alfalfa, sassafras and various resistant mites of fruit trees, vegetables, grain and other crops, and also has certain control effects on larvae such as Plutella xylostella, Pieris rapae, and leaf miner.

3, imidacloprid - sucking mouthparts pests

Imidacloprid is a high-efficiency insecticide of nicotine. It has the characteristics of broad-spectrum, high-efficiency, low toxicity and low residue. The pests are not easy to produce resistance. They are safe for humans, animals, plants and natural enemies, and have contact and stomach poisoning. After multiple effects such as systemic absorption, after the pests are exposed to the agent, the normal conduction of the central nervous system is blocked, causing paralysis to die.

It has good control effect on aphids, planthoppers, spider mites and thrips of sucking mouthparts, but it is not effective against nematodes and red spiders. It is harmful to bees. It is forbidden to use in flowering period and will be stopped 15~20 days before harvesting. .

4, acetamiprid - Hemiptera insects

Acetam has a contact and stomach toxicity, indicating strong permeability in plants. It has a wide spectrum of insecticides, high activity, low dosage and long-lasting effect. It is suitable for controlling hemipteran pests on various crops such as fruit trees and vegetables, causing insect paralysis and eventually death.

It can control various hemipteran insects, aphids, spider mites, whitefly, aphids, scale insects, etc., and is effective against Plutella xylostella, moth, moth, beetle and thrips. Using granules for soil treatment can control underground pests.

5, spirotetraethyl ester - sucking mouthparts pests, red spiders

Spirotetramat is a novel insecticidal and acaricidal agent with two-way systemic conductivity, which can be moved up and down throughout the plant to reach the foliage and bark, thus controlling the inner leaves of lettuce and cabbage, and Pest on the fruit bark. Efficient and broad-spectrum, long-lasting effect, effective prevention period can be up to 8 weeks.

It can effectively control all kinds of sucking mouthparts pests, such as aphids, leafhoppers, scale insects, hibiscus, whiteflies, etc., and it is safer for important beneficial insects, larvae and parasitic wasps. Commonly used in citrus control of red spiders and scale insects.

6, cyhalothrin - lepidopteran insect

Kungfu chrysanthemum, also known as Kung Fu, is a pyrethroid insecticide with contact and stomach toxicity, fast knockdown and high egg killing activity. It has a wide spectrum of insecticides and can be used to control most pests such as carnivorous, leaf-rolling moth, moth, night moth, caterpillar, tea-winged dragonfly, green-spotted dragonfly and aphid. It is moderately toxic to humans and animals, and is safe for fruit trees. However, pests are resistant to the drug and are not easy to be used repeatedly. They should be used alternately with spirotetramat and imidacloprid. Beta-cypermethrin has the same effect.

7, carbendazim - fungal diseases

Carbendazim is a high-efficiency, broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide with protective and therapeutic effects. It has a control effect on various crops caused by fungi, and can be used for foliar spray, seed treatment and soil treatment. It can effectively control various diseases such as brown spot of fruit trees, anthracnose, ring rot, vegetable gray mold, powdery mildew, sclerotinia, and blight. The safety interval is 15 days, and the maximum usage is 3 times in one year.

8, thiophanate - fungal diseases

Methyl Thiophane, also known as methyl thiophanate, is a broad-spectrum systemic low-toxic fungicide with preventive and therapeutic effects. It can be quickly absorbed through the leaves and roots of plants and transmitted in the body and evenly distributed. The formation of pathogenic fungus biofilms leads to the death of pathogens.

It is widely used in cereals and fruit crops, such as leaf deciduous diseases, various rust diseases, brown spot disease, anthracnose, gray mold, root rot, etc., and wheat mildew, such as wheat scab. The control effect of smut and other diseases is very obvious, and it is an important bactericide for seed treatment and foliar spray.

9, difenoconazole

Difenoconazole is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide that can be quickly absorbed by plants after application and has a long-lasting effect. It has a control effect on various pathogenic fungi such as ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, and deuteromycetes. It is widely used in crops such as fruit trees and vegetables, and is mainly used as a foliar treatment agent and a treatment agent, mainly for controlling pear black spot disease. Apple spotted leaf disease, tomato dry blight, watermelon blight, pepper anthracnose, strawberry powdery mildew, grape anthracnose, black pox, citrus scab.

10, azoxystrobin

Azoxystrobin is a new systemic fungicide that can be absorbed and transmitted by plants with protection, treatment and eradication effects. It has good activity against almost all fungal diseases and has no cross-resistance with existing fungicides. It is used in cereals, fruit trees and other crops and is safe for these crops.
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